Letter to Parents 3/16/20

March 16, 2020

Treffert Way Families,

As you have heard, with the continuing evolution of the COVID 19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the School District of North Fond du Lac is closed and is anticipated to remain closed through Monday, April 13th, 2020. Our students will be participating in remote, virtual, learning starting Thursday, March 19th.

Treffert Way staff members have been working hard to prepare for virtual learning to take place for all of our students. We have created care packages that will be delivered to each family. In your child’s care package you will find their chromebook, a charger and books for guided reading. There might also be math activities as well as some art projects. 

All Treffert Way staff members have set up Google Classrooms, where students will receive directions for the tasks that they are to complete. There will be daily activities for reading, math and social learning. Each teacher will post a daily read aloud and students will also have access to teacher lead projects as well as passion projects that they have been working on in school. 

Teachers will be available to answer questions and/or provide instruction daily from 8:45-12:00 and 1:00-4:00. This could be provided through email, Google Chat or Google Hangouts. If your child has an upcoming IEP, the case manager will be contacting you about holding the meeting via Zoom or phone. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dolan at tdolan@nfdlschools.org. Thank you for your patience and support as we work through this new adventure together!


Tiffany Dolan